Week 7 : Proposal Report

 We had our weekly meeting on Monday, and we finished our proposal report and searched the functional part for object detecting and Google speech to text API. 

 We have been testing a few solutions for object detection latterly. There are primary manners we have considered: 1. YOLO; 2. SSD. Before we dive into the implementation, we tried to find if we can use current datset that has labeled data for our target envirionment. We looked at the COCO dataset which is the most well-known datset for object detection. 

In addition, we have been working on implement the YOLO and SSD model for object detection. We successfully implemented a YOLO pre-trained model on our laptop. We did some testing for our labled picture. As for SSD, we are still debating how to implement and use it in our project. In the end, we will select one method for the final project.


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